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Climate & carbon

How companies are cracking the scope 3 challenge

Delegates at Environment Analyst’s recent Sustainability Delivery Summit in Boston heard about how some sectors are progressing with gathering and validating supply chain greenhouse gas emissions

Takeda's Boston HQ

Takeda: sustainability ownership at every level

The pharmaceutical company Takeda believes it can only improve the health of its customers, if it is also sustainable. Speaking at Environment Analyst’s recent Sustainability Delivery Summit in Boston, Johanna Jobin, the company’s global head of environment and sustainability, discussed the challenges sustainability leaders are facing and how they are working with consultants to help solve them.

Sustainability Delivery Summit 2024 Boston - CSO panel

CSO viewpoint: challenges and opportunities

Banking, chemicals and food production all have their unique sustainability journeys, but there are also common themes and experiences. Bob Beinstein, global ESG implementation lead at AECOM, quizzed three CSOs during a panel discussion at Environment Analyst’s recent Boston Summit. 

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Australian ground-truthing survey finds flaws in offset management scheme

Australian government commissions Jacobs Group (Australia) to perform ground truthing of biodiversity offset sites, part of its Nature Repair Market scheme, and finds fundamental flaws in offset management and monitoring


Nature as a first choice for building resilience

There is a global ambition to halt and reverse biodiversity loss by 2030, but it requires all stakeholders – including governments, various industry leaders and communities – to contribute

Leah Daly, Santander

Santander: wrapping its arms around finance emissions

Speaking as a panelist at Environment Analyst's recent Sustainability Delivery Summit in Boston, Leah Daly, the bank's senior director of environmental, social and governance outlined the opportunities it sees

Amber Wellman, Chemours

Chemours: seeing sustainability as an opportunity

Speaking as a panelist at Environment Analyst's recent Sustainability Delivery Summit in Boston, the company's chief sustainability officer outlined its approach to sustainability

Javier Aguirre, AgroAmerica

AgroAmerica: driven by premium

Speaking as a panelist at Environment Analyst's recent Sustainability Delivery Summit in Boston, Javier Aguirre, corporate affairs and chief sustainability officer of the company outlined the challenges it faces

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EU’s nature law will fuel demand for restoration services

The EU’s groundbreaking Nature Restoration Law will require member states to create national plans and collaborate on monitoring biodiversity indicators – consultancy services will be vital to ensuring the new legislation has the desired impact. 


Developing a future-ready workforce

As the next generation of E&S professionals are poised to shape the sector, Environment Analyst’s Sustainability Delivery Summit heard how the consultancy sector can best equip candidates and early career professionals with the dynamicity required for the challenges ahead.


Renewables on the up: but just transition requires grid and skills investment

As net zero targets are fast approaching, environmental consultants agree that it is full speed ahead to deliver on the energy transition. However, panellists at Environment Analyst’s recent Sustainability Delivery Summit, noted that grid constraints and an aging workforce still act as roadblocks.


Are E&S consultants the full package delivering sustainability for clients?

Three of the top four big environment and sustainability consultants joined EA’s managing director on stage at its recent Boston Summit to discuss their work


Consultants need to get more political

As US mega infrastructure projects stutter, Environment Analyst's Sustainability Delivery Summit hears how the consultancy sector needs to actively engage elected officials to tackle roadblocks

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Climate & carbon

Every city needs a plan for extreme heat

Record heat waves of the past two years have propelled excess heat up the policy agenda. Consultancies advising on master planning and infrastructure are in the front line of cooling down the world’s sweltering urban heat islands. Experts from AtkinsRealis and Arup explain the methods and technologies involved.

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Policy & legislation

EU’s CSDDD will drive demand for specialist sustainability skills 

Phased introduction gives companies time, but hard-to-abate sectors and those with complex supply chains need to get started now.


Unpacking Tetra Pak’s groundbreaking approach to nature  

Global packaging firm unveils ‘first-of-its-kind’ nature strategy, supported by specialist input from consultants Biodiversify and Quantis. Environment Analyst finds out what makes it an industry-leading approach.  

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Climate & carbon

The White House voices support for voluntary carbon markets

Multiple stakeholders are working to improve how carbon is traded voluntarily. If the right 'guardrails' are in place, consultants will likely see an enormous demand for their services.

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M&A message to think global, act local

The industry’s latest deals find PE-backed firms based in the UK – including APEM, ERM and SLR – dominating the international charge, with RSK securing a further round of strategic investment to boost its global growth and market position.


Rising interest rates help drive sustainable supply chains

A look at supply chain risk management through the eyes of specialist advisor epi Consulting, who identifies priority measures for ESG progress in the telecoms industry.  

Renewables (Source: Karen Dinucci, ERM)

Renewables and ESG regulation drive Brazilian consultancy market

Environment Analyst explores the dynamics and opportunities for environmental and ESG consultants in Brazil, a country rebranding as a global sustainability superpower.

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New FERC rules could speed transmission projects  

Green power projects and grid infrastructure will be major sources of demand for US environmental consulting services as federal regulatory reform bites.

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AI makes its mark on carbon intensity

How artificial intelligence is helping the planet and its hard-to-abate industries move to a lower-carbon future, along with a pretty significant caveat. 

Emissions via Unsplash
Climate & carbon

Collaboration key for chemical industry’s scope 3 progress 

New industry initiatives and partnerships should help supply more accurate data for greenhouse gas emissions measurement tools, as top firms found to be lagging on value chain emissions disclosure.


Net zero brings materials supply and social justice challenges

Recycling and technical advances will be essential to overcoming a potential shortage of raw materials for the energy transition — together with higher ESG standards, if human rights and environmental degradation issues are to be addressed.

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Pressure mounts for systematic water-related risk assessment

Companies should be doing more to assess water-related supply chain risks and engage with suppliers to manage them, says global disclosure organisation CDP.


Designing for resilience and regeneration: Arup shows the way

Global warming risks making cities uninhabitable for humans in many parts of the world. Countering this trend is an inclusive, holistic, “regenerative” approach to design.

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EPA emissions rules push power plants towards compliance prep

Environmental and sustainability consultancies with engineering arms stand to benefit when US states begin submitting emission reduction plans.

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Beyond the controversy: a strategy for beyond the value chain

Before the conversation turned to SBTi’s corporate net zero policy shift, the organisation had produced detailed guidelines for implementing beyond value chain carbon mitigation. They deserve our attention.

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Consulting and engineering industry’s ‘moment in the sun’ continues

The North American architecture, engineering and consulting (AEC) industry outperformed expectations last year, experiencing strong organic revenue growth, record numbers of PE deals and inflated M&A valuations; but what of the potential political storm clouds?

Climate & carbon

Consulting firms lead the way on data sharing for net zero buildings

Where sustainability is concerned, the construction industry does not rate highly. Environmental and design consultancies are playing a major role in making the sector’s rich data resource accessible for practical action.