General - skills

The UK environmental & sustainability consulting sector is experiencing unprecedented demand for specialist expertise to support organisations with sustainable infrastructure delivery, carbon accounting and disclosure, EHS&S compliance, and more.

This demand is stretching resources, resulting in an urgent need to attract the next generation of professionals into the environmental & sustainability services sector. 

To help understand how the industry can successfully address the ‘green skills gap’ and develop and retain its talent, Environment Analyst’s Sustainability Delivery Group Early Career Advisory Board has launched our second Early Career Survey.


The survey is designed for professionals who have worked in the sector for up to seven years, and aims to find out what attracts people to these specific roles and organisations, what motivates them in their professional development and if they’re satisfied in their roles. It will take about 10 minutes to complete, and may be undertaken anonymously (but you will receive the survey results if an email address is provided).

The findings will be used by senior business leaders within the industry to plan outreach activities, and improve recruitment and retention initiatives.

The deadline for completing the survey is 31 October 2023.

[Access headline findings from the previous survey here].